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Kathmandu To Delhi Bus

Online Kathmandu to Delhi Bus ticket booking service is available from Our office Hike On Travel Pvt Ltd Thamel kathmandu.KTM to Delhi direct tourist bus service takes driving time duration 22-26 hour with 1130 KM distance and ticket price Rs 4,200 |-.This bus service is  daily and direct with the facility of Air condition (A/C), semi-sleeper seat, in some buses facility of the toilet too following the bus route Malekhu Dhading, Narayanghat Chitwan, Sunauli boarder, Basti, Faizabad, Lucknow, Agra( near from Tajmahal) and finally in Manju ka Tilla  bus station New Delhi.

Nepal to Delhi bus service is more popular and trustworthy after the official inauguration of joint bus service (DTC from India side and Manjushree YataYat from Nepal side) by honorable Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi Jee and honorable late Nepali Prime Minister Mr.Sushil Koirala. This service became more safety, comfort, fast, easy and luxurious after bus service operated by Northern Travel. Many Nepali, Indian and other tourists are highly beneficial to this.

We are also providing bus reservation or hiring service from Kathmandu Nepal to Major city of India like New Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Vanarasi & other pilgrimage destination with permit permission from Indian Embassy Kathmandu.


How to travel Kathmandu to Delhi?

A number of Daily direct flight is available from Kathmandu to Delhi With the earliest flight 08:00 am operated by Nepal airlines and 08:15 am operated by jet airways with flight duration 01:40 min. Besides flight Bus service is the best, cheapest and easiest way to travel Kathmandu Delhi. If you are thinking for travel by train than You have to travel Kathmandu to Sunauli ( Nepal India border near Bhairawa Airport) by bus or flight, then have to take the reserved vehicle on a sharing basis from Kakarbhitta to Gorakhpur and catch direct train service from Gorakhpur to New Delhi.

Nepal to India Bus rental service

We also provide Bus, Minibus, car, jeep hire service from Kathmandu & Sunauli to the major city of India like Lucknow, New Delhi, Tajmahal Agra, Rajasthan, Mumbai, Goa, Hyderabad, Manali, Manipur Darjeeling, Sikkim, etc. with the facility of vehicle permit from India Embassy, Kathmandu Nepal.

You can contact us on 

   +977-9801177317  |  +977-9851237317  |  061460550(pokhara)

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